Cydia ကေနတဆင့္ ကို သြင္း ျပီးရင္ UltraSn0w 1.2.7
ကိုရွာ Install >> Restart လုပ္ေပးလိုက္ပါ....
အဆင္မေျပလို႔ ဆက္ေလ့လာခ်င္ေသးရင္ ေအာက္မွာ မူရင္းအတိုင္း တင္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္...:)
UltraSn0w 1.2.7 က Support လုပ္ေပးႏိုင္တဲ႔ Baseband ေတြကေတာ့ ေအာက္ပါအတိုင္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္.....။
How To Unlock iPhone With UltraSn0w 1.2.7
Step 1: You must already be running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware on your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS, and you must also be Jailbroken on the iOS 5.1.1 firmware.
Step 2: After your iPhone is running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware and is Jailbroken you will need to simply launch Cydia from your SpringBoard.

Step 3: Once Cydia is up and running you will need to go into the Sources page. To go into the Sources page tap Manage followed by Sources.

Step 4: Typically, the UltraSn0w repo is included with Cydia. If not, tap the Edit button followed by the Add button and you will be prompted to add a URL source. Type:
Followed by tapping the Add Source button.

Step 5: Cydia will automatically refresh and update sources.

Step 6: After Cydia is done refreshing sources. Tap the Search tab on the bottom tab bar and search for UltraSn0w. Once UltraSn0w appears, tap on it and you should see version 1.2.7. Read through the description and tap the install button to install UltraSn0w 1.2.7 to your iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware.
Note: In case you are not familiar with UltraSn0w, it is a software unlock for your iPhone meaning you can use your iPhone with any carrier by simply inserting the SIM card.

Step 7: When UltraSn0w is installed you must restart your iPhone, plug in your unofficial SIM card and wait for your iPhone to connect to your network.
Congratulations! You should now have an unlocked iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS running the iOS 5.1.1 firmware.
ဒါကေတာ့ ေနာက္တစ္နည္းပါ အဆင္မေျပဘူးဆိုလို႔ ျပန္ ရွယ္ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္...:)
Unlock iPhone Baseband 4.11.08 Using Redsnow
You are required to have your unlock activation tickets saved on computer for this method to work.
This guide will unlock any iPhone no matter what baseband they are on iOS 5.1.1 (including the infamous 4.11.08 and 4.12.01)
STEP 1: Download 0.9.12b1 for your iPhone.
STEP 2: Once downloaded plug in your iPhone and start Redsnow.
STEP 3: Click on Extras > Even more > Tickets.
STEP 4: A window will pop up. Simply search for the lockdown file you created when you backed up your iPhone. Select that file.
STEP 5: A message will show that your tickets have been uploaded.
STEP 6: Now reboot your iPhone.
STEP 7: Now insert your unofficial SIM card and you are good to go.
That’s it folks you will now have successfully unlocked your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS on any baseband.
post တင္ေပးတာေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္
ReplyDeleteညီမရဲ႕ iph 3GS ကိုု jailbreak လုုပ္ျပီး သုုံုုးရတာ အဆင္ေျပလိုု႕ jailbreak ကိုုျပန္ျဖဳတ္ခ်င္ပါတယ္။ factoryက လာတ့ဲအတိုုင္းပဲျပန္လိုုခ်င္လိုု႕ ဘယ္လိုုလုုပ္ရမလဲဆိုုတာ ကူညီေျဖၾကားေပးပါရွင္။ေက်းဇုူးတင္ပါတယ္။
ReplyDeleteThanks for your nice information. Now a days there are lot of methods available to unlock an iphone4 such as hardware,software,sam,,remote unlock method and etc.But according to my opinion remote unlock method is the best and easy method to unlock an iphone4. Because other methods contains lot of steps. It is not comfortable for me. So i have chosen remote unlock method and i got service from this site and i have permanently unlocked my iphone4 easily.
ReplyDeleteI got free mobile unlocking instructions from this site . This instructions is very useful to unlock my iphone4 easily.