Cyberlink YouCam ကိုအားလံုးသိၾကမွာပါ... ေတာင္းထားလို႔ တဆင့္ျပန္လည္မွ်ေဝေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္....
Cyberlink YouCam 5 Full Mediafire - Free Cyberlink YouCam 5 Download. Bagi kamu yang suka berekspresi dengan menggunakan Web Cam. Cyberlink YouCam 5 adalah software yang dapat membantu anda mengeluarkan ekspresi lewat Web Cam. Anda dapat mendesain avatar sendiri, atau mengubah wajah anda dengan avatar yang sudah disediakan oleh Cyberlink YouCam 5.
Anda dapat juga memberikan efek animasi di dalam video anda. Nah baca dulu keterangannya dibawah ini. Sebelum di Install, lihat spesifikasi komputer anda. Jangan gara-gara software ini, kerja komputer menjadi lambat. Oche.. so have fun !!!
Cyberlink YouCam 5 is a software designed to facilitate you in the picture or video of expression with which embellished with a variety of very interesting effects. For those of you who like Video Chat, maybe this is one of the main application is very useful to make your chat more interesting and exciting.
This software also provided facilities Download additional effects of DirectorZone for free. The program provides four types of video effects that include emotional effects, filters, frames, and distortion. YouCam supports some software that is so popular for a chat like Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, AOL and Instant Messenger.
The program provides at least some kind of a very cool video effects that include :
Three dimensional effects are very interesting
Emotion Effect
Add frame effects to you are photos or video
Effects include distortion model, the effect of mirror distortion
Securities that can be personally designed by Drawing tools filter effects
Minimum Requirements :
XP/ Vista/ 7 of Operating System
Intel Pentium D 3.0 GHz or AMD Athlon
Web camera
512 MB of RAM
1 GB Free HDD Space
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