Saturday, 12 January 2013

How To Hack Window Admin Password ? (Window Admin Password ေမ့သြားရင္)

Unknown | 12.1.13 | | | Best Blogger Tips

Window Login Password (Admin Password) ေမ့သြားရင္ 

ပထမဆံုး  ဒါေလးကို  USB ထဲကို ဘမ္းပါ. ကြန္ျပဴတာကို Restart ခ်ျပီး..F2 , F12 တခုခုကေန BIOS ကိုဝင္ျပီး 1st Boot မွာ USB ကိုထားျပီး Boot တတ္ေပးလိုက္ပါ.... အဆင္ေျပၾကပါေစ.....

အဆင္မေျပေသးဘူးဆိုရင္ ဒီ Kno Boot v2.0 နဲ႔ Window Admin Password ကို Reset လုပ္ေပးႏိုင္ပါတယ္... Software ေလးက 16KB ပဲရွိပါတယ္....

 ေအာက္မွာတင္ေပးထားတဲ႔ Kon-boot USB ကို ေဒါင္းယူပါ ... 

 USB ကို  FAT32 နဲ႔ Format ခ်ပါ....

USB_INSTALL.vbs ကို Double Click နဲ႔ Run ေပးလိုက္ပါ...Kno Boot ဟာ  Automatically USB ထဲကိုေရာက္သြားပါလိမ့္မယ္...


konboot_usb.exe  ကို Double Click နဲ႔ Run လိုက္ပါ... Command Prompt တတ္လာရင္ မိမိရဲ႕ USB ရဲ႕နာမည္ (ဥပမာ: G: H: J:) ကိုေရးထည့္ျပီး Enter ေခါက္ပါ... Kno Boot ဟာ  Automatically USB ထဲကိုေရာက္သြားပါလိမ့္မယ္... 

 ကြန္ျပဴတာကို Restart ခ်..  F2 , F12  တခုခုကေန BIOS Menu ကိုဝင္ 1st Boot မွာ USB ကိုထားျပီး Boot တတ္ေပးလိုက္ပါ.... Kno boot က အလိုေလွ်ာက္ Window Admin Password ကို ဖ်က္ေပးသြားပါလိမ့္မယ္.... အဆင္ေျပၾကပါေစ.....

Kon Boot New v2.0 Commercial Edition [Bypass Windows Login Passwords]

Kon-Boot for Windows enables logging in to any password protected machine profile without without any knowledge of the password. This tool changes the contents of Windows kernel while booting, everything is done virtually – without any interferences with physical system changes. So far following systems were tested to work correctly with Kon-Boot:

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 2+)

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic (32/64 bit)

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (32/64 bit)

Microsoft Windows Vista Business (32/64 bit)

Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise (32/64 bit)

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (32/64 Bit)

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (32/64 Bit)

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (32/64 Bit)

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard (32/64bit)

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter (32/64bit)

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise (32/64bit)

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition (32/64bit)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard (32/64bit)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Datacenter (32/64bit)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (32/64bit)

Follow the steps below :

1. First of all download kon-boot .

2. Plug-In you USB into your computer and format it to FAT32.

3. Open the download RAR file and extract it and go to the folder named "KonBoot USB".

4. Now double click on "KonBootInstall.exe".

5. A command prompt will be prompted and ask you to enter your USB drive latter in my case it is H: enter you USB drive later and press enter. It will be installed automatically on you thumb drive.

6. Now you're done to test it restart your computer and enter your BIOS or Bootload selecter (on my Dell desktop I just simply hit F12 as soon as my PC turns on and I can select which device I want to boot from). Keep in mind that the device you want to boot from is the USB.

7. Now boot into kon-boot and VOILA you can enter your copy of windows without entering any password . 

Click Here to Download Kno Boot USB v2.0

1 comment:

  1. ျပန္ရွယ္လုိက္ျပီအကုိေရ..ေက်းဇူးပါခင္ဗ်ာ
