Saturday, 15 September 2012

Slim Browser 6.02 Build 66 Final (အရမ္းေပါ့ပါးျပီး အရမ္းျမန္တဲ႔ Browser ေလးပါ)

Unknown | 15.9.12 | | Best Blogger Tips

Slim Browser ေလးက ေပါ့ေပါ့ ပါးပါး နဲ႔ သံုးလို႔ ေကာင္းတဲ႔ အင္တာနက္ Broswer အသစ္ ေလးပါ 2.88MB ပဲရွိပါတယ္ ...  ျမန္မာ Font ကိုေတာ့ IE မွာလိုပဲ ေျပာင္းေပးရပါတယ္ က်ေနာ္ စမ္းၾကည့္တာ အဆင္ေျပပါတယ္ တကယ့္ Slim Browser ေလးပါ ...။

SlimBrowser is a powerful and compact tabbed multiple-site browser with full unicode support. It incorporates a large collection of powerful features like built-in popup killer, skinned window frame, form filler, site group, quick-search, auto login, hidden sites, built-in commands and scripting, online translation, script error suppression, blacklist / whitelist filtering, URL Alias. SlimBrowser let you open several sites at once with the support of site groups. It provides one-click access to search engines via pre-defined quicksearch entries. You can easily define your own quicksearch entries. It provides one-click access to personal accounts via predefined autologin entries. It supports URL filter and in-page ad filter which blocks annoying advertisements and offensive content effectively. It is able to render RSS new feeds into readable web pages. It support URL alias and built-in commands. It also supports ftp file uploading. The built-in ScriptPad is able to edit JScript / VBScript and HTML files with syntax highlighting.


  1. ယူသြားပါျပီေနာ္။ေပါ့ေပါ့ပါးပါးပါးေလးေတြကိုၾကိဳက္ပါတယ္။ေက်းဇူးအထူးတင္ပါတယ္။

  2. The access to requested URL has been denied. တဲ့...။ ေဒါင္းလို႕ရ၀ူး... :@

  3. ေက်းဇူးပါ...ေဒါင္းသြားပါတယ္..
